There were like 7 people sitting in the clinic waiting for their respective turns when I arrived. Of course, I waited for more than 45 minutes to see the doctor for 3 minutes. In between, the doctor received a call but she told the person who called that 'there is a crowd in the clinic'. This must be the 'peak' for doctors, like auditors have their peak before the closing of the financial year. Before I leave, I took my goody bag with me. Now, I have extra 'food' to be fed on!!
The doctor told me to swallow my cough syrup slowly without mixing water. By that, I beg her to change those irritating, yucky syrup to tablets. Of course, the beg was of no use. I took home, two but not one cough syrups!! The doctor told me the syrup taste good, like honey!! Sorry, it does not taste like honey. I couldn't describe the taste exactly but all I can say it is salty. Honey is never salty!!
On Friday, we finish an hour earlier than usual. We went for dinner in Tappas and dinner was ok. I ordered some type of spaghetti carbonara, where I replaced the bacons with broccoli and carrots. The price was acceptable given the high living standard here. Our salary is pretty low nevertheless.
Finally it is time for Iron Man III. It was better than I expected!! Great movie!! Heaps of people were there to watch the newly released movie.
Pre-movie photo
Post movie photo
Did you notice the stack of paper on each and everyone's hand? That is the DISC profiling test results. From that result, I am a persuader!! Hmm.. since when I am a persuader? Obviously, there is something wrong going on when I was doing the test, that's why the result does not reflect the true me!! I might be over-excitied that day when I was doing the test. I can't even persuade myself working in that company, how on earth can I persuade others? Things has been so wrong!! If they really place me according to the DISC result, I am going to be suffering at work >.< Can I please please please redo my DISC?
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