Tuesday, 30 April 2013

30 April 2013 - Pre-Labour Day

Training has been very interesting lately. Today's talk was about how to communicate effectively and negotiate successfully. Although it was very informative, we were way way over the 'pang kang' time. For the first time, I left work at around 6.30pm and as I was walking to the LRT station, one of the department head stopped and asked us to join him for a drink. Opppsss... actually I did not notice the department head but one of the girls that was walking with me smiled at him. Obviously people like me very often failed in climbing the corporate ladder. I live in my own little world, walk at the pace of a cheetah, looking down on the floor as I walk... etc, in short, I am IGNORANT!!

Actually, I realised that to be successful in the corporate world, you do not have to be too smart. Qualifications are barely of significance too. You can be a graduate from the 三九流 local university and still be in the same management trainee program, hold important positions as other famous foreign universities graduates. Even if your english is poor (for example, not able to spell explain and unable to speak fluent English), you can still be accepted in a management trainee program (this is from what I observe). It all comes down to whether YOU CAN B.S. and BOOTLICK YOUR SUPERIOR!!

Sometimes, I feel unfair for myself. All the hard work and efforts I put in to even pass the exams when I was in the university (obviously being in a foreign university, we could not copy assignments, no tips from our seniors, higher expectations from the lecturers, higher passing marks etc and for local universities...), those expensive tuition fees and heaps more, are pretty much flushed down the toilets. Just giving an example, as a finance undergraduate student studying overseas, I am totally aware that most of the finance models we are studying now contains errors. Too bad, a local university MASTERS student did not even know or heard about it. They thought all the models such as the CAPM models were perfect. Oh wells, at least when they introduce themselves, they will tell others, 'I HAVE COMPLETED MY MASTERS' and I can only tell them, 'I ONLY HAVE A BACHELORS DEGREE'. About Bachelors, a masters student does not even know how to answer when their superior asked them "what's your bachelors?" >.<

I know if I keep comparing, definitely I will be upset and forever stuck in an angry tornado. All I can do now is strike for the best!! Hurray... tomorrow is Labour Day, it is a public holiday in Malaysia and I am moving house too!! I am getting my own room!! Life is exciting!!

About my attachments, I received bad news today. I will be transferring to a branch that is quite far from my place. The excuse was - the branch which was near to my current place is newly established. They will feel uncomfortable and intimidated if I am around. Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't even be in other branches too because they will feel the same as well. What a ridiculous excuse!! EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!! The reason was the traffic there is high and I get more chance to talk to uncles and aunties if I am attached there. YAY!! Aunties and uncles, watch out for me!! I will be there soon!! Come and find me if you need any help but you guys must tolerate with my lousy Cantonese and Chinese!! =)

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