Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Fire drill

Just what am I doing early now in the morning?

Burton and Garran Hall, which is the college I am currently staying in just had its' fire drill. Haha. It was predicted by Jason and he told me it should be today yesterday on facebook. I almost forgot about it because it  usually happens during orientation week and I'm always still back in Malaysia. Another tip would be it is always on Wednesday. The day never changed before after 4 years. So, I was fully prepared, fully dressed, brought my phone and key. I am very organised indeed.  =)

I think this is the best fire drill I ever have. No crappy weather, bearable coldness, not too early in the morning, nice companions and B&G is considerate enough to let us stand outside for only 15 minutes. Good job, B&G committees.

Wooohhhooo... I think this should be my second last fire drill in university. Thank God!!

Disclaimer: Photo is taken from google image. I have no rights over it.

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