Tuesday, 28 February 2012

I broke my bag!!

OMG OMG... What a busy week for me!!

I am so behind from all my studies. I went into the tutorial and was like HAAARRRRRR... WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??

It wasn't the problem of the tutor, just me being a bit lazy and not having enough time to read those thick text books. Grrrrghhhh....TEXT BOOKS ARE THICK AND HEAVY!!

My bag was broken this morning on my way to class. OH NNNOOOO... I have class untill 6pm today and I am going to carry my bag only on one side for the whole day. I shouldn't have carry my accounting books for classes. Now, I don't have a bag. =(

Bad day... but at least it is over for the day... the hardest period of time has ended. I am just going to show my crapping skills in tutorial later. =)

Time to start studying... BUUUUUUUUUTTTTT... you know what I am going to say right??
I still have tomorrows... I still have weekends... It's only week 2...

I am procrastinating queen. Daaammmm...


  1. This is sho depressing.

    get a nice cute awesome new bag, dear

  2. ohhh... I'll c first... I have other bags in my room, just that they are not back pack. =(
